How to Prevent Ingrown Toenails

How to Prevent Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when the edge of the toenail grows into the surrounding skin, causing pain, swelling, and potential infection.  Dr. Peter Fillerup and Dr. Casey Fillerup at the Foot & Ankle Center of the Central Coast in Santa Maria, CA can alleviate symptoms through treatments, including removing the ingrown portion of the nail, applying antibiotic cream, and prescribing oral antibiotics if necessary.

They may also recommend soaking the affected foot in warm water and wearing comfortable shoes to reduce pressure on the affected area. Overall, seeking prompt treatment from our qualified podiatrist can help alleviate the discomfort and prevent complications associated with ingrown toenails.

How to Prevent Ingrown Toenails 

You can take several precautions to prevent ingrown toenails. One of the most vital measures is proper nail trimming, which involves cutting the nails straight across and avoiding rounded edges. Don't trim nails too short, as this can cause the nail to grow into the skin. It's also important to wear properly fitting shoes with a wide toe box, allowing the toes to move freely. It's also helpful to wear socks made of breathable materials to ensure the feet remain dry and healthy.

Practicing good foot hygiene, such as regularly cleaning and drying the feet, can also help prevent bacterial or fungal infections contributing to ingrown toenails. Engaging in activities that put excessive pressure on the toes, such as running or jumping, should be avoided, and you should wear protective footwear when necessary. If you have a history of ingrown toenails, you may also benefit from having your nails professionally trimmed or cared for by our podiatrist.

Consult Our Podiatrist 

We recommend consulting our podiatrist for ingrown toenails in Santa Maria, CA, because they can lead to infection, pain, and difficulty walking if left untreated. Dr. Peter Fillerup and Dr. Casey Fillerup can provide a proper diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your needs.

They can also recommend how to prevent ingrown toenails from recurring. You should also see a podiatrist if the ingrown toenail is causing significant pain, redness, swelling, or signs of infection, such as pus or discharge. Additionally, individuals with diabetes or other medical conditions that affect circulation should seek medical attention promptly.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. If you have questions or concerns regarding ingrown toenails in Santa Maria, CA, and want to schedule an appointment with our board-certified podiatrists at Foot & Ankle Center of the Central Coast, call (805) 934-0570.

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