Understanding Bunions: Causes, Symptoms, and Risk Factors

Understanding Bunions: Causes, Symptoms, and Risk Factors

One of the most common foot problems that patients complain about is bunions because of the way they make their feet look and how they make their feet feel. Learn more about bunions as well as their causes, symptoms, and risk factors so that you can take steps to treat and prevent them. Dr. Peter Fillerup and Dr. Casey Fillerup are podiatrists at Foot & Ankle Center of the Central Coast in Santa Maria, CA, who are familiar with bunions and can help.

Symptoms and Causes of Bunions

Some people think that a bunion is a bump or growth on the foot, but it is the toe bone and joint protruding to the side as the top of the largest toe bends toward the other toes. The most common symptom is pain when the bunion rubs up against the inside of the shoes as well as pain in the toes when they’re pressing together. Bunions are usually a genetic issue caused by weak tissues in the toes, but they can also be caused by wearing tight shoes like high heels which continually press the toes together.

The Risk Factors of Not Treating Bunions

If you don't have a bunion treated it can develop into a more serious foot problem and possibly cause you to have challenges when exercising, playing sports, working, and participating in other common physical activities. Bunions can change the way you walk and that could lead to pain in other areas of the body such as the legs and lower back. Untreated bunions could also cause joint inflammation, numbness, or stiffness in the feet.

How Can You Have Bunions Treated?

Bunions can be successfully treated by your Santa Maria, CA, foot doctor using orthotic devices or shoes that are designed to realign the shape of the feet. Physical therapy exercises can also help improve the condition of the toe joints. In more advanced cases, a surgical procedure called a bunionectomy may be recommended to correct the position of the toe bone and joint.

See a Podiatrist About Your Bunions

Let a podiatrist at Foot & Ankle Center of the Central Coast in Santa Maria, CA, take a close look at your bunions to see what treatment options will be necessary. Call (805) 934-0570 today to schedule a bunion exam with Dr. Peter Fillerup and Dr. Casey Fillerup.

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